Sebastian pays tribute to a previous girlfriend, trying to produce the movie that she inspired him to write. He enlists Natalia, an empathic producer and his right hand, to help produce the film for which they struggle to find funding. Ultimately they decide to stage a play based on the script. Still hurting from his recent loss, Sebastian decides that he can’t start a new relationship. He goes in the opposite direction and takes irresponsible bachelorhood to the extreme. Success and fame open the door to encounters with all types of women who seem to fill the void that is becoming increasingly apparent in Sebastian’s life. Throughout this journey, Sebastian becomes even closer to Natalia. She is his friend and partner but there is an undeniable romantic tension. Blinded by his career and newfound relevance, Sebastian loses touch with his romantic nature. After bottling up their feelings, during a night of drinking Sebastian and Natalia cross a line. While Sebastian wonders if they made a mistake, Natalia feels ready for a relationship.


    昆塔·布伦森 博德希·戴尔 泰勒·詹姆斯·威廉姆 丽萨·安·沃尔特 雪莉·李·拉尔夫 克里斯·佩尔费蒂 贾内尔·詹姆斯 威廉·斯坦福德·戴维斯 约什·拉策 莱拉·盖夫曼 西安·布罗德纳克斯 萨德·迪瓦恩 伦敦·卡温顿 戴维斯·梅森 乔治·沙佩尔森


    小罗伯特·唐尼 侯宣德 吴珊卓 弗雷德·阮 端·勒 阮高祺缘 翘征 斯科特·李 凯利·陈 竹艳 埃文·沙夫兰 鲍勃·克莱德宁 Caitlin O'Connor 马德琳·韦德 刘思思 Grace Gordon 艾伦·重 Vy Le Maria Bata Isaiah Stratton VyVy Nguyen


    马克思·格林菲尔德 塞德里克·凯尔斯 贝丝·比厄 蒂琪娜·阿诺 希·麦金尼 马塞尔·斯皮尔斯


    克莱尔·丹妮丝 丹尼斯·奎德 莎姬·贝兹 蒂莫西·奥利芬特 海皮·安德森 法尔杜特·夏尔马 Gerald Jones Lucian Zanes Ethan Stoddard 苏珊·萨瓦 Jarod Lindsey Anita Sabherwal Shemar Jonas 乔·卡尼亚诺 Stephen Badalamenti Christian Miranda 丹尼·霍奇 Kareem Savinon 陈大卫 蒂娜·王-卢 贾雷尔·杰罗姆 亚历克斯·温特 吉姆·加菲根 维多利亚·丹尼尔科-佩特罗夫斯卡娅 麦


    玛德琳·斯托 考莉·埃尔南德斯 珍娜·迪万 克里斯蒂娜·米利安